Episode 17: Light from Darkness

Join us in this special episode of SoulStirred, where we dive into the timely and transformative theme of the solar eclipse—an opportunity for renewal, rest, and reflection. Recorded under the cosmic spectacle, hosts Kasey Clark and Emily Garcia unpack what it truly means to rest and how this can dramatically enrich our lives.

Throughout the episode, we discuss the rejuvenating power of nature and the importance of tuning into our bodies to nurture our deepest needs while quieting our inner critic. By embracing our 'wise self,' we discover the light that emerges from life's darkest moments.

Kasey and Emily share personal insights on how gratitude and reflection play crucial roles in transforming darkness into light. They provide listeners with practical advice on leveraging natural cycles of renewal to foster personal growth and well-being.

Join us on this reflective journey to understand how embracing rest and gratitude can illuminate the path through the darkest times, leading us to a place of profound peace and light.

Tell us how this episode impacted you!  What do you hope we do more of?  What requests do you want to share?  Maybe you have show ideas for us?!   Communicate with us at soulstirredpodcast@gmail.com

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Episode 17: Light from Darkness
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